Sunday, March 2, 2008


This is a quick sketch that I did of Vera. Surprisingly enough, I didn't change any of her design this time around, even though that seems to happen every time I draw one of my characters. (-_-)

No, the thing that changed this time around was the style. I don't know if I'll keep drawing her like this, but it was fun to do all the same.

I might get around to coloring this at some point.


Anonymous said...

BRIlLIANT!!!! I really really like this. I think you captured her attitude... Good lines... Great technique... It's so cool. Her face is so expressive, and all the proportions line up... NICE!! GOOD JOB!!!!

Makes me want to do one for Marigold.

Usagi Chan said...

Hee hee hee... you must!