Thursday, August 16, 2007

On the subject of the past...

Well, I drew these according to various fashions back then, but they're not perfectly accurate. (They look better bigger, click on the image to see up close) I was trying to draw a character sketch of a Princess/Lady, and I think the one on the bottom left with the side view as well turned out the most like I imagined.

Man, were people ever weird back then. Especially their clothes. I've been doing research on the fashion trends of the Europeans from the 16th century to the 20th century, and the only conclusion that I've settled on is that they were really weird people. There's not much else you can say. (>_>) The men always had really dorky looking pants, and some sort of jacket. Then of course for the women there was the famous corset, which they only stopped using in the early 1900s. Some of the older kinds of corsets had tall, rigid collars that went up to the cheekbones, so that women were forced to keep their heads tilted up.

Anyone interested in fashion history can check out some of these links:
Hairstyles through the Ages and Cultures
European Fashion 1600 - 1650
Early Modern Fashion - An overview

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