Monday, July 28, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wrap Skirt Progress and More Paintings
The sides all sewn together, and hooray, it fits!
Now cutting out the interfacing for the lining of the waistband.
Also: Two more paintings in the sketch phase. I've touched up the sketches and sealed in the graphite with gesso entirely on the top one, and about halfway on the second one.
Posted by
Usagi Chan
7/24/2008 09:25:00 a.m.
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wrap Skirt Coming Along
Posted by
Usagi Chan
7/23/2008 08:48:00 a.m.
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Monday, July 14, 2008
Pickles and Painting
A batch of pickled jalapeƱos.
A sketched out painting! It's two canvases side by side, and both were severely smudged. The one on the right I painted gesso over the smudges and lightly over the lines. I started doing that to the one on the left as well.
Yes. Today was a varied day.
Posted by
Usagi Chan
7/14/2008 10:34:00 a.m.
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Saturday, July 12, 2008
Blue Hipster and Purple Wrap
Basting the waist band down. I'm going to have to hand stitch the band in place because attempts with the sewing machine proved to be disastrous.
Posted by
Usagi Chan
7/12/2008 08:18:00 p.m.
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Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Blue Hipster Skirt
Posted by
Usagi Chan
7/09/2008 08:38:00 p.m.
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Sunday, July 6, 2008
The Purple Skirt is Done!
This skirt that I got at a thrift shop for 3 bucks.
It has a high waist, and I'm going to turn it into a hipster skirt. (one that sits on the hips instead of choking the waist). Here is the plan. I'll take off the zipper and set it aside for later. Then I'll cut off the first decorative ribbon trim that is serving as a waistband, to about 2cm above the second ribbon. I'll lift the ribbon and turn the fabric under, then sew the ribbon back on, making a new waistband. The second ribbon trim happens to be at the perfect level, so it should fit well by the time I'm done. That's what I'm hoping anyway. (>_>);
Posted by
Usagi Chan
7/06/2008 10:44:00 a.m.
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Thursday, July 3, 2008
Purple Skirt Nearing Completion
Posted by
Usagi Chan
7/03/2008 11:22:00 a.m.
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Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Yes She is Still Doing Art
My posts lately have been filled with fashion, but I'm pretty busy in the art department as well. This is a T-Shirt logo that I'm entering in the Not Back To School Camp contest. It took a lot of sketching and designing to get the look I wanted. I used inking pens, a brush-pen and a no. 2 brush to ink, switching as needed. Also used white ink to outline the word "School".
Scanning onto my computer was a nightmare. The paper was just a cm too tall for my scanner, and part of the picture would get cut off no matter what I did. I had to scan it twice, one with top cut off and one with the bottom cut off, and paste them together. For some reason (because my scanner hates me) the two images were slightly different sizes, and so they didn't line up quite right. (>o<)*
Somehow I managed to work it out and got this in one day before the deadline... ha ha ha. (._.)
Posted by
Usagi Chan
7/02/2008 06:43:00 p.m.
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