Friday, March 28, 2008

A little bit of progress...

On my mini comic. Just a tiny bit. Of progress. >_>

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


A little felt water sprite, about 3 1/2 inches tall. He's got a little smirk going.

He is based on a pattern from "The Cute Book" by Aranzi Aronzo.

Friday, March 21, 2008

T-Shirt logo

This is the logo I submitted for the Willie Mae Rock camp t-shirt logo contest thing. WMRC is awesome, so I tried to make something equally awesome. It was difficult.

Basically, I started with a sketch of the girl and then inked it, scanned it into the computer and edited it digitally. It took longer than it should have for some reason. Probably because I tried too hard or something.

Anyway, I saved it over a couple of different colored backgrounds, so you can see that it can go on a couple of different T-shirt colors. I can't wait to see the outcome of the contest! >_

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Art Meme

I did this for Deviant art, but I like some of the pictures on it, and it looks cool. So I decided to post it here too.

I actually have no idea what exactly a "meme" is, in terms of it being an art one. But this is pretty much a questionare that you fill out with artwork. It was fun to do, and I hope people have fun reading it. ('>')

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I drew this on a whim, and I liked how it turned out so I inked it. I avoided using pure black, and inked in only grey tones. I think it looks softer, which is exactly what I wanted for this picture. \(^o^)/ Yay!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Inking warm-up

I was looking through my sketch book for things to ink, and this is one of the sketches I ended up inking. I did it as fast as I could, without thinking about anything much really, and I like how loose it turned out to be.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Toh'ra sketches and re-designs

In this one I re-did her face, which I wanted to be longer and more like a wild cat. (I drew the cat head on this page from a picture of an Arabian wildcat.) Translated her front view into a profile as well. And I did little drawing of Chou above Toh'ra's head, just to see if they looked good together. Which I think they do, more so now than before. ^_^

Here, since Toh'ra is a dancer, I did some dance poses. Usually she uses her moves to attack people, so I had to think of ones that could do some serious damage. I did some research on belly dance and all that, but I couldn't find much of the traditional stuff. Mostly just American versions, which are way too feminine and weak for a character like Toh'ra. Her dances need to have power and raw energy!
An update to her costume. She still needs more dangly and jingly things! Also did a quick sketch of just some random dancer lady. It's not a very strong pose, so I probably won't use it for Toh'ra. At the bottom of the page: Toh'ra's wind-up and attack! Just to see how these moves flow.

That's it for now! (>_<)/

Sunday, March 2, 2008


This is a quick sketch that I did of Vera. Surprisingly enough, I didn't change any of her design this time around, even though that seems to happen every time I draw one of my characters. (-_-)

No, the thing that changed this time around was the style. I don't know if I'll keep drawing her like this, but it was fun to do all the same.

I might get around to coloring this at some point.

Mini comic - half inked

As the title proclaims, the inking is about 1/2 of the way done. The first panel is entirely done, but the others are still pretty rough and the last one is non-existent. ^_^;

Here is the link to the ROUGH rough. Woof. (-_-)