Monday, December 31, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
The faces of Mochi
I already sort of knew what her face would look like, but I couldn't decide on the hair. The 'do on the bottom left-hand corner with the arrow pointing at it is the one that I ended up going with. The one in the upper right-hand corner is her with her hair tied back, and below that and a little to the left is the front view of the same. To the right of that is her with her hair tied down low at the sides. There is also a side view of her hair tied to the sides, and above that is her with her hair tied high up up the sides.
Posted by
Usagi Chan
12/25/2007 07:23:00 a.m.
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Friday, December 21, 2007
More designs
Chou's design. I drew two different ones on the very top: one with high cheeks and one with low cheeks. I ended up picking the low ones, and then I drew the stuff below it. She looks only a little bit different from before. >_> Hopefully it'll stay like this.
Posted by
Usagi Chan
12/21/2007 10:08:00 a.m.
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
Going through some redesigning stages again, and this one turned out pretty well. The top picture is the first page that I drew, just messing around and trying to get the right hairstyle. (You can tell because it's really messy -_-;) I like the girl with the short wavy/curly hair, but I wanted this character to have long hair, so then I drew the next page.
This one above here is what I'll most likely go with, although I'll probably change it around before long. The face is also pretty much settled, but as you can see I drew each one a bit differently, so I'm fiddling with that aspect as well. So much fiddling! But I'm hoping that I'll hit on something that I'll never want to change. ...Yeah right. (._.)
Posted by
Usagi Chan
12/20/2007 09:36:00 a.m.
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Saturday, December 15, 2007
And today's theme is, surprise surprise, rabbits. I only wonder why I waited this long to draw them. >_> I haven't decided on a face type, but the bodies are basically what I'll use in the final version. Arg, should I use straight or floppy ears? Or inbetween? >o<; How can someone decide something like that?
Posted by
Usagi Chan
12/15/2007 02:21:00 p.m.
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Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
This is a preview of a piccy that I'm working on. It is taking me far, far too long. I have about 100 layers, and I'm not kidding. I'm never coloring something with this technique again. -_-* Bleh. And I spent so much time zoomed up close that it doesn't look so good from far away. >_<* Just GRRRRR in general!
Posted by
Usagi Chan
12/02/2007 11:07:00 p.m.
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