Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Cat Legend
Ta da! I've made two comic pages for the wonderful Moss of the Cat legend web comic. Above are three panels from the final copy of the pages. Check out her site to see the whole thing.
I've never made something from someone else's script and with someone else's characters before, so it was a very interesting experience. I also never colored pages on the computer before, so I used water colors instead. Though this was slightly dangerous, because a careless stroke could ruin the page, it was really fun. I tried to incorporate some of Moss' drawing style into mine, so this looks a bit different from my normal stuff. Still, I think it turned out really well! (^_^)
For those interested in the process of making comic pages, the following is basically what transpired.
First, after I received the script, I roughed the layout of the panels and what would happen inside them. This took many pieces of paper and curses, but I got it eventually.
After that was the penciling, which was time consuming because I wanted to get all the people perfect. When I do pencils, I tend to focus on the people and leave the backgrounds to the inking process. I do scribble in trees and horizon lines, though.
Then, I inked. I use paintbrushes in various sizes to do this instead of felt tips or inking pens. I like the organic lines and the variety of widths that I can achieve with a paintbrush. Of course, this tends to lead to several mishaps, because that's just how it goes. And that is why I have the marvelous and life-saving white ink.
Once the black lines were down, I erased the pencil and began to color. Now I said watercolors, but really I used watered down acrylic paints. I find that I can get a better color out of them. Because of the amount of paint I brushed on, I had to regularly press the pages in-between some really heavy books, to get out all the wrinkles.
So once that was all done, I scanned the pages and tweaked them a bit in photoshop. I also added the text. And that was it! (>_>) I didn't really mean to write that much, but oh well.
Posted by
Usagi Chan
7/30/2007 12:11:00 p.m.
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Asian Heart Card (Inside)
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7/30/2007 12:07:00 p.m.
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Friday, July 27, 2007
Asian Heart Card (Outside)
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7/27/2007 07:52:00 p.m.
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Or eagle, if you prefer. Been making a comic that uses paint for coloring, and this painting is the result of me having far too much brown paint on my palette. (>_>) I had the outline of the bird in my sketchbook, so I didn't have to waste anything.
(acrylic paint, 2007)
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Usagi Chan
7/24/2007 04:47:00 p.m.
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Friday, July 20, 2007
Duck, Duck Goose
I tried to capture the friendly and curious, yet malevolent gaze of a goose. It was difficult.
(Ink, 2007)
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Usagi Chan
7/20/2007 05:40:00 p.m.
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
He ended up looking more like a dog I used to know, but oh well. (<_<)
The Japanese have a bit of mythology surrounding foxes - or kitsune, as they're called. They are usually tricksters who can use illusion magic to make themselves look like humans.
Ink on paper (2007)
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Usagi Chan
7/14/2007 09:07:00 a.m.
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
This is a character that I'm working on. Demonicyouth and I are talking about a webcomic, and Vera would be one of the main characters. The style is different from the one I normally use.
Ignore the weird figure at the bottom left of the picture below. (>_>)'
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Usagi Chan
7/12/2007 08:27:00 a.m.
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Sunday, July 8, 2007
Woo... Perspective!
Well I have to admit, I have trouble with perspective when it comes to people. Buildings are okay, landscapes are okay, but people... well, lets just say I normally end up with a giant hole in my paper from the eraser. (-_-) I dared to try it once more on this page, and though it turned out alright, it's not perfect. (._.) Oh well, I'll just have to try some more... Some other time. (>_>)
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Usagi Chan
7/08/2007 11:21:00 a.m.
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Run for It
Ink and water, on paper.
This is a different style from the one I normally use for people, but you can still see my usual style in the lines. Funny how that works out. (^_^)
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Usagi Chan
7/03/2007 06:45:00 p.m.
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Sunday, July 1, 2007
Those Evil Trees
This is a full page that I roughed out, first page of a chapter somewhere in the middle. It shouldn't make much sense to you, so don't worry about it. I just like how the panels turned out. (^_^)
Posted by
Usagi Chan
7/01/2007 05:49:00 p.m.
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