Saturday, March 31, 2007

Frost Rabbit

This was literally a pattern of the frost on a window. O_o
If you look at it as the dark parts being window, then you can kinda see it. I didn't change anything about the pattern, or at least, I tried to copy as well as I could. ^_^ This sketch is pretty recent.

I used a regular no. 2 pencil, with a mechanical pencil with no. 5 lead for the little details. (Like the frost pattern on the right side) I had to darken it in Photoshop a bit 'cause it didn't scan well. What you see is pretty much what it looks like on paper.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


This is based on a dream that one of my characters has. It's also the second attempt at drawing Nita, and this one is closer than the one I drew before it, but not as close as the other one that I posted before this. Confused? Doesn't really matter.

On a side note, I've been trying to get more backgrounds in my work, but this one's just silly. >_> The water turned out pretty well, though.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Chou's Face!

This is the front of the bird girl. Well, sort of. I mean, it is, but she's covered in makeup so it sorta isn't. A sketch of her without face paint is in order. I'm not gonna type much more 'cause it's too late. 9_9

I realize that this sketch has a lot of flaws but eh, I like it anyway.

Oh yeah, and sorry that I haven't updated in a few days, things have been... thingy.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Fire Bird that is different from the Phoenix

I did this picture before the phoenix and even before the dragon. It's for a story. (>_>) It took a while to get the body proportions right, but it turned out pretty well. The feathers also turned out well, especially the tail. The bird's a little more blank-faced than I had hoped, but oh well.

Fire birds aren't that different from phoenixes (Phoenai? I guess there shouldn't really be a plural form).

Oh, and once again, ignore the writing. It's just notes to myself. (o_o) I suppose I could erase it in Photoshop but then it would look like I erased something. I made the paper too smudgy, you see. (._.)

Friday, March 23, 2007


This is an old sketch of Mochi, a character in one of my stories. She's currently under development. -_- I like this old version's looks, even though she's not Mochi. Dunno who she is. >_>

In case you're wondering, Mochi goes along with the cat girl, the bird girl, the goat guy and the elf. The world that they're in also contains sheep people and fire elves, among other things. Can you guess that it's a fantasy story? >_<

Thursday, March 22, 2007


This is another in the series of inked animals. Although I use the term "animal" loosely. >_> I made this one right after the dragon. It has simpler, yet thicker lines than that dragon, so it's a bit different. I'm not sure which style I prefer.

Oh, and I accidentally made a huge ink blot, just below a paw, with an overzealous brush stroke. >_<;;
Luckily, through my panic, I remembered that I had bought some white cover-up ink for that very purpose. It looks a little funny on the paper itself, but when I scanned it, the white didn't show up, so it's good.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A couple 'a more Character Sketches

These are for yet another story that I'm working on. Yes, that's right. I've got lotsa stories. >_> The girl on the right is a fire elf. Oh, and ignore the writing on the paper, it's just notes to myself. -_-'

I think I got the characters down pretty well. I think the girl on the left is a little off. She need to be... I dunno. ._. Something. But I'm happy with the fire elf. It's the first time I've drawn a character without wanting to change something about her/him/it. ^_^

Cat-like mount

This is just a quick sketch that I drew a while ago, of an idea I had. Not very original, but it's based on the desert tribes that live with their horses.

Not much to say 'bout this one, 'cept it was the first time I tried to draw someone sitting on a mount. It's hard. -_- The shading came out well , even though my scanner isn't the best. >_>

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I've been trying to draw this character from another story that I'm working on, a different one from the one with the goat and cat and bird peoples. This is the best I've been able to get, and it's still not her! >_<

Oh well, I'll keep trying. At least I get to practice drawing backgrounds. (Which I suck at) I've been trying to make my drawings more dynamic, but I dunno, they always turn out to be way mellower than I was hoping. ._.

I have a few older sketches of Nita (This one is really recent) that I may or may not post at a later time. >_> Depends on whether I feel like being laughed at or not.

Oh, and see that fold in the upper right corner? Yeah. I'm kinda an enthusiastic artist. <_< Ah well, it makes it more authentic.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Fire elf

This is just a quick sketch of a fire elf that I did last year, but I like the camera angle and lighting. What is a fire elf, you may ask?

That. ^_^


Whoops, I haven't posted in four days. Ahem. >_> My excuse? Well, we've been having a bit of a horse problem, and I've been very wrapped up.

Anyway, here is a dragon. I inked the page with a brush pen, which I think I killed. It's all frayed and not pointy. ._. This was made only a little while ago, and was the first of the sort of series. There are more like this to come.

I think the dragon looks a little cramped on the paper, it kinda looks like it's imprisoned or something.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Once again, a character

From the story that I'm working on, I mean. >_> This is like a small piece of his history, one small thing that he says/does. It might not even be included in the actual story, but I still wanted to draw it.

I did a light pencil outline and then inked it in, using an inking paintbrush and comic book ink with a bit of water. (That's why it's so washy.) He was the easiest character to design, but he didn't turn out so well here. Maybe I'll draw him again, this picture is a bit old. (only by a month or so <_<).

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Freaky cat girl

This is 'nother character sketch, this time of Tora. She's in the same story as the others. I have like, 8 main characters, so I'll probably be posting recent character sketches. The girl on the lower right hand side is Chou, in fact. ...not much else to say. I'd describe her character but I think the drawing on the left hand side explains it pretty well. >_>' Also, it's for a comic that I'm working on so I don't want to do spoiler-type things. ^_^ v

On a side note, I'd just like to point out that I just realized now that you can click on the pictures to get a full size image. I'd also like to point out that I'm kinda slow sometimes. -_-

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Phoenix (not Wright)

Ahem. Sorry for the obscure game reference but I just had to. >_>

Anyway, this was penciled and inked. Yep. *Cough* <_< There is this legend... ( (Sorry for the unclicky link but something about adding a link wasn't agreeing with blogger and I don't do html) Dunno if mine's got the face of a swallow and the hindquarters of a stag but, then again, neither does the statue.

I'm doing/have done a few more pictures similar to this. As you can see (or possibly not, you never know) this one was drawn in February of this year. (07) Whoopie! o_o


Indeed. This pic was just a quick sketch, but I liked the look of it and thought it matched the sheep lady from before. I fiddled a bit with the color in photoshop. Gah, I hate the new versions they keep coming out with. T_T There's so many things that you have to learn how to do, and just so many things in general. It overwhelms me and I end up doing nothing. >_<*

For the record (and for snobby art peeps too), I rarely modify my pictures with computer software. Even with this one, for which I used photoshop, I left all lines intact. All mistakes and over excited pencil strokes, undisturbed. ^_^

On a far tastier note, I'm going to be experimenting with cake batters, trying to find a few that satisfy me. So far, I've only found one that's great, but it uses a TON of butter that costs (in Canada) an arm, and possibly a leg as well. Oh well, I'll keep trying. I've got to go squeeze those ckickens for eggs. -_-

P.S. If I find a good recipe, I'll post it.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

See the bunny!

This painting was done with traditional sumi-e stuff. The brush, the ink stick, the rice paper. I think that the people who do the traditional paintings would be appalled at my method and subject matter. ^o^ But you know, each to their own.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Sheeeeep! Lady.

I was feeling whimsical today, thus this drawing. I drew it a while ago, in a sudden fit of wooly inspiration. We do keep sheep and goats, which is probably where the idea came from. I didn't do their cuteness justice. Kawaiii! T_T Her eyes are pretty accurate though. You should see when they get mad at you! >_<'

Thursday, March 8, 2007

When it rains...

...Well, it rains, I guess. But this picture was drawn a year ago (06), so I don't remember what the weather was. -_- I know that it was raining on my soul though. Jk, I don't remember that either. It might have been snowing, for all I know. ^_^

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Depressed goat dude

This is another character that I made a sketch of. What he is, as in what species or whatever, is a mystery. He's also got horns. Woot.

*edit* His name is Koji >_<


Sunset over a forest. Yes, that's a forest.

This is a character from a story that I'm working on. Okay, the back of her. But it's still her. Her name's Chou. Maybe. Anyway, I used graphite for the outline and colored pencils for the background.

I accidentally drew her wings too small. >_>

And no, she's not gonna jump off.


Buffalo woman

There are a few Indian legends (That's Native American, to you) about a white buffalo who could also turn into a supposedly beautiful woman.

Here's a link with a lot of info;

Watch out, it's got music, but you can turn it off. >_<** Hate music.

Anyway, I drew this picture last year ('06).

Stuff in the background's... stuff. You know, like spirit world stuff or whatever. Don't worry about it. -_-;